Shri Atulkumar J. Shah
The first co-operative banks in Pachmahal were founded in 1980 with the assistance of prominent local figures such as cotton merchants, rice mill owners, and others. It has been almost 38 years since the beginning.In attendance during the Silver Jubilee celebration was Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi, who expressed gratitude for the bank’s achievements.It should be mentioned that each board member has a personal stake in the Bank’s current location. Today’s big buildings are possible because of their commitment, personal attention, and willingness to be present during construction. They also brought the greatest material at the lowest cost.It should be mentioned that a board member expressed personal interest in developing the Bank’s current location.
- It is to be noted that board member personally took interest in building present premise of the Bank. Due to their dedication and paying personalattention by remaining present at the time of construction, bringing best material at the cheapest price, to-day’ tall building could be build. The inauguration of the building was also done by Shri Amarsinh Chaudhry, Chief Minister, in the year 1988. Thereby bank has proud on both occasions when Gujarat Chief Mister could remain present and join hand in appreciating progress of the bank.
- Shri Purshottam Priyadasji, Acharya Swamiji of Maninagar Gadi Sansthan visited personally to the bank during silver jubilee year 2004 and blessed too all Directors, Staff and Members of the Bank. We maintain financial discipline with utmost care and insist that our clients also to maintain good financial discipline. Bank is running with ZEROOVERDUE OR ZERO NPA since 1st April 2007. This is our major achievement.